Welcome to our website
The UK Clinical Reasoning in Medical Education Group (CReME) exists to promote excellence in teaching clinical reasoning in medical education and to provide high quality resources for teachers and learners.
Read our consensus statement on the content of clinical reasoning curricula in undergraduate medical education.
About Us
We are clinicians, education leads, teachers, and researchers with links in the majority of UK medical schools. CReME business is co-ordinated by a committee elected by its members. We organise a bi-annual conference and work together to further our aims.
Our Aims
We aim to promote excellence in teaching and learning clinical reasoning in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education; provide high quality resources for organisations, teachers and learners; and promote evidence-informed curriculum design, including assessment.
Membership - Coming Soon!
Membership will soon be open to healthcare professionals, students, researchers and academics who are interested in clinical reasoning education. Benefits include a 10% discount on conference fees, access to webinars, networking and collaboration opportunities to further our aims. Members may also vote in Annual General Meetings, participate in special interest groups, and stand for committee positions.